AutoCAD 2021: The New Functions At A Glance

Whether in IT or construction: No other software in the world comes close to the functionality and popularity of AutoCAD from the Autodesk product...

Windows 10 Update Still Possible Free Of Charge In 2021

Operating a computer requires an operating system. If it is not an Apple model, Windows is almost always used. The solution is not difficult...

The New Normal In Teleworking After The Coronavirus What Does 2021 Hold For Us?

The pandemic has revolutionized the ways of working and has led to a forced transformation in record time by most companies. However, this change is...

Cybersecurity Incidents Associated With Credential Theft On The Rise

Although the total volume of spilled credentials has decreased, it is the size of midsize incidents that is growing considerably, with 2 million records...

The SD-WAN Technology Boom Is Here In 2021

The deployment of software-defined wide-area networks is already a reality in the enterprise market. 54.4% of organizations already use this formula and it is...

Data Protection And Security In The Cloud

SAP Customer Data Cloud and Security? Data leaks, hidden use of customer data, and official regulations (e.g. GDPR ) will increase rather than decrease...