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ChatGPT And SAP: Risks or Opportunities?

By the way, what is ChatGPT again? ChatGPT is a language model based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) architecture developed by OpenAI. It is...

ChatGPT: Opportunities And Risks Of Revolutionary Development

Who doesn't know it by now, the most well-known little AI helper in everyday working life: ChatGPT. The innovative system with a combination of...

ChatGPT Tools Useful For Human Resources

Nowadays, artificial intelligences are everywhere and even invite themselves into companies. AI like chatGPT also has useful features for HRDs. The company RH Tomorrow...

ChatGPT: The Revolution That Could Change The Internet

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to create smooth and natural conversations between humans and machines. It is an automated dialog...

Ai Marketing Experiences 2023

When it comes to AI marketing, AI (Artificial Intelligence=AI) can be a powerful tool to help you understand and reach your customers. With AI,...

Is Artificial Intelligence Smart?

Although the term artificial intelligence was coined for the first time in 1956 by John McCarthy, it is true that the issue of building...

How AI Is Changing B2B Marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) enhances computer systems to accomplish tasks that traditionally need human intelligence. Some human abilities that AI can possess include decision-making, speech...

The Changes That AI Marketing Is Bringing In Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic today. Everyone has their focus on the latest development in the field because the upgradation in the artificial...

How Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improving Construction?

AI has received a mixed response in recent years, ranging from predictions of doom as AI could spiral outside of human control, to predictions...

Artificial Intelligence Will Create More Jobs Than It Eliminates

The human/robot collaboration trend will continue to grow in the coming years. There is a growing demand for professionals specialized in artificial intelligence, among which...

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning For Data Management

Our work every day confirms that we are passing through and co-creating Data 4.0 at every step. But data by itself does not drive...

How Augmented Artificial Intelligence Will Change The Industry

Artificial intelligence technologies are often very useful in cases where physical models are reaching their limits. But they are rarely sufficient: in industry, the...

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