Home TECHNOLOGY How To Appear On Google Discover?

How To Appear On Google Discover?

If you have a business or an online store, you will be interested in knowing what Google Discover is and how you can appear on it. A tool that Google makes available to you so that you can make the most of all its multiple advantages. Here we are going to give you some clues so that you know how to appear in Google Discover in a simple way.

Can you imagine that users can find interesting content about your business without having to search for it? Well, this is what, in general terms, Google Discover offers. A tool that you can activate manually, but in which you will have to work to get all its benefits.

What is Google Discover?

Google Discover is a function that offers users the possibility of obtaining content without carrying out any specific search on it. The user, therefore, will have access to useful and quality information and content that is fully personalized. Google uses the information it already has about the user from previous searches to show content that interests you without you having searched for it on this occasion.

What content appears on Google Discover?

Google Discover works like a content feed . The information that appears will be based on the user’s search history and web browsing. But it may also depend on the applications you have recently installed, the use you make of them, the user’s location, the places, spaces or stores you visit, the purchase history, etc.

Why appear on Google Discover?

Before knowing how to appear in Google Discover, we list some of the advantages that you will enjoy when appearing in this tool:

  • Increase in quality traffic to your website.
  • Possibility of generating more subscribers.
  • Greater visualization.
  • Better positioning in search engines.
  • Your website will acquire a greater authority for the purposes of Google.

Going out on Google Discover therefore translates into a greater number of visits and the possibility of increasing your sales.

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How to appear on Google Discover?


AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) technology is responsible for allowing the contents of your website to be adapted to mobile devices. In fact, it is a type of mobile-specific technology that has, among other objectives, the intention of improving the loading speed of your page and making it consume as little data as possible.

The idea is to improve the user experience when browsing the internet through the mobile device.

Daily content

Another fundamental aspect if you want to know how to appear in Google Discover is to take care of the daily content that you publish on your website . All content must be optimized with SEO for better positioning. Google must clearly know the theme of your articles in order to show the information to users.

In this way, your website may appear in Google Discover if the user has performed a similar search before. Therefore, it will be necessary to work on SEO so that the contents can be visible. But more than the traditional SEO itself, what prevails here is to know your customers , since the positioning will be based on the searches that they do.


It is highly recommended to start a multi-channel strategy to appear on Google Discover. What does this mean? Very easy. You should look for all possible ways and channels to get your information and content to users.

To do this, you can use social networks ( Facebook , Instagram or Twitter are the most appropriate and effective in this case). A way to gain relevance, prestige and authority . In turn, you can create a blog in which you regularly upload content of interest and share it with other users.

Current issues

It is evident that it is not enough just to create useful and quality content . It is of great interest that the information you upload to your website is current. This will improve the user experience of those who visit your page and will show Google that your website is active at all times.

As with traditional SEO, Google awards a better positioning to those pages that offer useful and quality information. What interest could a page or an online store have that has not been updated for several months?

Social media activity

Finally, and as we have just discussed, the use of social networks is essential to appear in Google Discover. Without going any further, this tool is known in many areas as the social search network .

Many people spend a good part of the day consulting their social networks to obtain information. The traffic that these networks can generate is immense and the use you make of them in your business is key to your presence in Google Discover .

Do not miss the opportunity to use Google Discover in your company . We help you so that this tool allows you to enjoy an increase in followers and a more effective positioning for your business.

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