Who Engineers Medical Devices?

We guess the answer lies in the question itself. Engineers help make medical devices and maintain, repair and innovate them. However, this is hardly...

Digital Transformation, Sales And People

We have all heard by now how important it is for companies to start their digital transformation processes and how vital it is for...

What Is Visual Spatial Intelligence

The psychologist Howard Gardner, in his Theory of Multiple Intelligences , spoke of eight types of competencies that made up the set of Intelligences. ...

What Is The Deep Web & Is It Dangerous?

The internet is a vast place, with the Surface Web being just a portion of what is available. The Deep Web maybe even more...

Is Artificial Intelligence Smart?

Although the term artificial intelligence was coined for the first time in 1956 by John McCarthy, it is true that the issue of building...

5 Tech Tools For A Profitable Roofing Business

The roofing industry has become a lucrative yet competitive service sector today. Competition has pushed businesses to adopt more intelligent operations, such as in...