

Cloud Growth Predictions For 2021

The coronavirus pandemic in which we are immersed brings to light great unknowns in all sectors. The economic crisis, which is now irreversible and...

Updating Cybersecurity In Companies Is A Priority

In recent months we have been able to see how teleworking has become a daily reality for thousands of workers in Spain and around...

Cloud Assessment – The Step-by-step Guide For A Solid Migration To The Cloud

Cloud Assessment is understood to be the entire prior assessment process to guarantee an effective migration to the Cloud, which, on the other hand,...

Trends In Human Resources Technology For 2021

After ten years of continuous changes, it is not an exaggeration to say that we are living a key moment in the evolution of...

The Main Cyber Risks Of 5G

The term 5G refers to the fifth generation of wireless mobile networks, a new evolution after the first 4, which is designed to provide...

How The 5G Network Will Improve Unified Communications

Unified communications are one of the main causes that will accelerate the arrival of the 5G network. As we have already commented in some other...

Can Algorithms Transform The Way You Manage Your Employees?

Big data: that is, analyzing people - can make it easier to hire, retain and determine where your next office will be. In the film...

Cybersecurity Threats: Where Do They Come From And What Are The Challenges We Face?

Cybersecurity is of utmost importance. Any business, any organization can be targeted. The global cost of cybercrime is expected to reach the US $ 2...

What Is Data Discovery?

Definition Of Data Discovery In order to properly understand Data Discovery, it is necessary to be clear about the concept of Business Intelligence (BI), or...

Big Data Marketing Strategy: What It Is, Uses And Challenges

Big Data marketing is a new tool in which two elements come together: on the one hand, the management of current information flows, which...

Reduce Risks And Optimize Costs With The Transformation To Azure

If the current situation has been characterized by something, it is for having represented one challenge after another in all aspects. This has developed...

Optimize Task Planning With Microsoft 365

When we look for ways in which to optimize our processes and projects, as well as increase our productivity, we can agree that there...

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