Home BUSINESS 10 Keys To Improve Your Employability

10 Keys To Improve Your Employability

If you want to find a job, you have to know what the keys are to improve your employability. We tell you about them below.

10 Keys To Improve Your Employability

1. Self-knowledge

The first step to improving your employability is getting to know yourself well. Why do we tell you this? Because to know what job you want to be in and how to sell yourself, it is necessary that you first know everything about yourself. With this objective, some of the factors to evaluate are:

  • Experience: what do I want to do? How much experience do I have in it? Etc.
  • Training: What training do I have? Where do I stand out the most? Is there any additional training that is important for this job?
  • Competencies: what are the competencies that best define me? Teamwork, communication, etc. To be able to answer them, ask yourself how you are working.
  • Skills: what are you good at? analytics, verbal skills.
  • Achievements: what have I achieved so far? You have to think about small achievements, like reinventing yourself at work, keeping your clients satisfied.

2. Continuous Training

In the world we live in, the job market changes every day. That is why if you want to improve your employability, you will have to continually learn. Whether with online courses or distance courses or with face-to-face activities, training becomes necessary to adapt to continuous changes.

3. Work Communication

This is one of the most important factors. You have to tell the world clearly and concisely who you are and what you can contribute. Forget about the curriculum vitae for a moment and define yourself. So that you can practice, we share this example, known in English as Elevator pitch or «elevator conversation» that surely you find something familiar.

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4. Be Flexible

In today’s society, everything changes. The job profiles demanded by companies change, jobs change. For this reason, it is essential that you be flexible. You have to know how to adapt to the changes that occur, and therefore being in constant updating of knowledge is essential. Get out of your comfort zone and change with the world.

5. Take Decisions

As we have already been telling you, change has been installed in our society. Therefore, today’s workers must be versatile. You are going to be wrong, for sure. But do not worry, that will help you to know yourself more, your skills, what you are looking for, and what not. Do not be afraid to make decisions. Do it to learn and you will improve your employability.

6. Manage Your Time Properly

How many times have you felt that you have wasted your time in some activity that later has not given you the expected results? To prevent this from happening again, it is important that you establish priorities in order to achieve your goals. Analyze your means and resources available to achieve your goals. In the case of employment, you should do an exhaustive search for the offers that interest you the most and select those in which you think you have more possibilities and work on them.

7. Be Proactive

Lately, proactivity is in fashion, but what is it?

The proactivity is defined as the attitude that the individual or organization assumes full control of their behavior actively, which means taking the initiative in developing creative and bold actions to generate improvements.

Applied to the field of employability, we can say that proactivity is the active attitude in your job search. An example of this is the search for employment trends, investigating what profiles companies are looking for. In short, stop having a passive attitude and go beyond the renewal of unemployment.

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8. Be Social

We live in a social world. And this also applies to improving employability. Be present and participate in face-to-face or virtual activities in sectors where you want to work. You never know where there will be an opportunity to find your next job.

9. Continuous Improvement Of Your Digital Skills

The technological age is here to stay. For this reason, companies demand professionals with high digital skills. From the job search process itself, in which the majority of companies publish their offers on the Internet, to the new digital professions, the importance of this type of skill is very important.

10. Train Your Ability To Work In A Team

Most companies are aware that teamwork is key to optimally developing their activities. Therefore, training this skill is practically an obligation today. Sharing different points of view, resources, and objectives among the personnel of a company will make everyone move towards the same goal.

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