The perpetrators of cyberattacks do not rest, not even during a health crisis like the one we are experiencing. In fact, precisely many hackers take advantage of these moments of uncertainty to create new threats on the Internet. In this case, it is a Facebook scam that has already gone viral.
Without a doubt, you have to be very cautious as Internet users. This is demonstrated by the continuous cyberattacks that we can receive, each time more perfect.
These days, what is happening is that a group of hackers is posing as the social network Facebook, offering money to “those affected by Covid-19 . ”
Nothing could be further from the truth. The objective of these cybercriminals is to obtain your personal data, once you ‘bite’ into the scam.
Therefore, if you receive a message from Facebook announcing that it is going to pay you as affected by Covid-19, do not click on the link: it is a trap. It will take you to a fake website where they will ask you for data in exchange for this fake grant.
Unfortunately, this scam has been widely publicized, mainly because some media such as CNBC in the United States have echoed it, believing that it was a real Facebook action rather than a scam.
As we explained, in these months of pandemic cyberattacks are increasing, and it is important to be prepared. Here are some general tricks to keep in mind to avoid falling into the trap of cybercriminals:
And, definitely, think twice before taking any action online.
Also Read: Updating Cybersecurity In Companies Is A Priority