Home BUSINESS Outsourcing: A Key Aspect In Digital Processes What Challenges Do Suppliers Face?

Outsourcing: A Key Aspect In Digital Processes What Challenges Do Suppliers Face?

Given the rise of outsourcing linked to the digital transformation processes of companies, IT service providers must be able to adapt to the needs of companies. The market, according to Experts, will continue to grow since companies need a high degree of technological specialization and talent capable of carrying out digital projects, but it will require overcoming a series of challenges.

The experts of this company break them down as follows:

Agile outsourcing

Internalizing the Agile mindset requires an organizational transformation, but the biggest challenge is establishing new contractual frameworks that accommodate this model.

In this way, trends such as DevOps models in IT operations, automation via RPA, artificial intelligence, and virtual assistants that act as accelerators of this model in outsourcing can be incorporated.

Company-external staff communication

From the initial definition of the service contract, the relationship between client and partner must be managed through two essential mechanisms in any Outsourcing service: service level agreements (SLA) and the relationship model. SLAs help to have a clear vision on the performance of the service through a series of indicators set before the start of work. The relationship model, for its part, defines the appropriate framework of action to facilitate communication between both parties.


Any change process can impact the organization’s operations. That is why it is essential to have an adequate framework to carry out change projects within an environment of trust. In the case of outsourcing, the ideal is to have a single interlocutor who, during the changes generated by the process itself, ensures compliance with the agreed service levels and always facilitates access to this information, thus promoting transparent work.

Go one step beyond the outsourcing agreement

In most cases, a service is established by its scope in the organization and a series of indicators previously defined between both companies, which will measure the quality of the service provided. The service provider must be able to go one step beyond the operational one by linking these indicators to the evolution of the business by taking initiatives such as, for example, offering support to reduce the number of incidents or advising on the adoption of new technologies. Call center outsourcing to the Philippines is a great option if you want to let experts handle your customer service needs. Aside from them having the proper training in answering customer concerns and the right tools to use, they also often offer a 24/7 support which is great for your business.

Choosing the correct methodology

Not all organizations are the same, and there is no way to carry out a digital transformation that can work for all companies. However, a series of guidelines has been detected that allow classifying these work processes in outsourcing in three main ways. In the first, an existing product or market solution is adapted. The second of these consists of optimizing the operating or management model and the last, in the internal development of new capabilities or functions that the business demands and that are not available in the market.


Nowadays, suppliers must ensure that this service is carried out with the maximum security guarantees for all parties. Companies must trust an actor external to their organization and, in this sense, the members of the staff who are going to carry out this service must be aware of the cybersecurity policies of the company in which they are going to work to avoid possible information leaks.

Also Read: Outsourcing and Data Confidentiality: A Strategic Alliance for Businesses

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