Home GADGETS Mobile Phones In Schools, Advantages or Disadvantages?

Mobile Phones In Schools, Advantages or Disadvantages?

We live in a society where the opinion that the possession and excessive use of a smartphone by a child is counterproductive is very strong, especially due to uncontrolled access to content not recommended for the age and understanding of minors.

However, there are also strong arguments to think that the extremes were never good. Hence, there is a sector of society that thinks that mobile use is positive as long as it is done with a pedagogical purpose.

But How To Mark The Limits?

Without a doubt, it is complicated. In countries like France, they passed a law that regulates the use of these devices, and states like California, with Silicon Valley, where paradoxically the entire mobile era was cooked, the iPhone or most of the apps that exist in the market, also have prepared the text of a bill to ban the use of smartphones in schools.

France is a pioneer in regulating the ban on smartphones in schools. The law, which came into force in the summer of 2018, establishes that except for the regulations that expressly authorize it, children under 15 years of age may not use smartphones in the nursery, primary and secondary schools.

However, those students who wish to may carry mobile phones, tablets, or any smartwatch in their backpacks or enabled compartments, but always turned off or in airplane mode.

However, this measure does not affect the pedagogical use of the devices in those projects controlled by educational personnel.

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1. Encourage the responsible use of mobiles at school from the beginning

Starting from the premise that the mobile is something that is part of our current society and that of the smallest, it is beginning to be recognized that the important thing is to promote the responsible use and management of these devices.

In addition, these specialists affirm that the real problem is not in technology, but in coexistence and education.

Therefore, it is important to implement a good use from the beginning, because at the end of the day it will be part of adult life in the future.

Some organizations, such as the Proyecta Platform, establish that by clearly marking and delimiting rules of use in schools, there need not be inconveniences.

For this, it is necessary to educate all the parties involved, both teachers, students and parents, who have to encourage the message that mobile phones are prohibited during the school day and at certain times within the educational center.

2. The mobile phone can be a very powerful and complementary technological tool for training

Second, devices such as tablets or smartphones in classrooms can help teamwork, especially among secondary school students. For example, for cases like the teacher doing an exercise, and the students can do it through their devices connected via WiFi at school.

3. The mobile in the classrooms allows greater freedom of space

In the sense that it is not necessary to go to the computer room.

4. Personalization in teaching and methodology

Finally, the use in classrooms of these devices allows teaching to be more personalized according to the needs of each student.

In short, there are more and more schools, which always under responsible use, and taking these advantages into account, are implementing this type of device in their classrooms.

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