Home DIGITAL MARKETING Main Advertising Formats On Youtube

Main Advertising Formats On Youtube

When planning an advertising strategy on YouTube, we have multiple options that we must analyze depending on our business objectives, target, and stage of the conversion funnel in which we are located. Do you know all the advertising formats on YouTube to implement in your digital strategy?

Strategy And Alternatives Of Advertising Formats On YouTube

We can focus on 3 main objectives, and in them, we will classify the most suitable YouTube ad formats for each of them


It is the highest objective of our conversion funnel, which is focused on achieving the maximum possible reach, making our brand or product known to as many people as possible. Therefore, the formats for this objective and their bidding systems are geared towards optimizing reach and views. We recommend using broad targeting so that the reach is sufficient for the campaign to be easily displayed.

The advertising formats on YouTube corresponding to this objective are the following:

  • Bumper: it is a 6-second ad format that appears within YouTube videos. Either before video playback or in between. The bidding system that this format works with is the CPM. In fact, it is the cheapest CPM format available. As for creativity, we have very little time to get the message across, so we must focus on a clear and concise goal. You have to know how to transmit the primary content in a very direct way. Additionally, this format is also available to video partners.
  • TrueView coverage: have the format in-stream skippable and uses the CPM goal as a bidding system. It is ideal to improve visibility with more time to communicate your message. In addition, we can analyze the attention of users through the percentages of visibility and prepare a report of results that helps us in making decisions in the future.
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads: their duration is 15 seconds maximum and their bidding system is also CPM. In this case, we recommend using a more qualified segmentation and a message that engages, otherwise, it can be very intrusive and annoying to the user. The result of not doing it right can be a negative image of our brand.
  • Masthead format: it is a format for companies with a large volume of advertising investment. It consists of placing a video on the main YouTube page, and its hiring model is through direct communication with Google. Your bidding system can be by CPM or by CPD (Cost per day). The dedication to the elaboration of this type of video must be much more meticulous than in the rest since much more investment must be used than in the rest of the advertising formats on YouTube and its impact is much wider.

Ideally, to achieve an effective visibility strategy, we must use more than one format simultaneously. So we have a combination of reach, visibility, and awareness in our awareness strategy.


It is a medium stage as far as the funnel is concerned. If we have this objective, we must target a more qualified audience, which already shows an interest in our products or services. The ideal formats for this marketing objective are the following:

  • TrueView In-stream:  Available to YouTube and video partners, use a CPV or Maximize lift bid strategy. We must connect with our audience, showing a personalized message aimed at awakening the interest of the user. The user can skip the video after 5 seconds. Therefore, we must awaken the attention of the same in that small strip with a striking message or that generates curiosity.
  • Discovery: ad format that appears on the main page and on the YouTube results page. In this type of format, it is important to work on the thumbnail image that we show and the title so that we attract the target user to see our video.

In this step, we must bear in mind the segmentation we want to target since if we fail to segment correctly, it will cost us much more to make this investment profitable.

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