Home DIGITAL MARKETING Digital Detox – How To Properly Detoxify Digitally

Digital Detox – How To Properly Detoxify Digitally

In times of social media and mobile working, we can hardly put our laptops, tablets or smartphones down. It’s obvious that “permanently online” cannot be permanent: stress is inevitable. This is where digital detox comes in – the conscious renunciation of digital media.

That’s why you should try Digital Detox

Fight stress

Not only in the private sphere, but also in professional life, digitization and Co. cause stress. The compulsion to be available at all times means that people can no longer really switch off. Whether the company cell phone rings at dinner or the laptop displays a new e-mail: Nowadays we are – intentionally or not – constantly online. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could finally really switch off?

Enjoy time with friends

The time that you normally spend in the evening in front of the laptop or mobile phone can be used with your friends or family during the digital detox. Exchange the latest gossip or cook together. Important: Agree in advance that the other person will also leave their mobile phone in their pocket. Is there anything nicer than a relaxing evening with your loved ones?

Take time for yourself

Many people don’t even realize how much time they actually spend with digital media. During the digital detox there is a lot of time to deal with yourself. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try a new sport, read a good book or start painting again? Now is the right time for it!

Increase creativity & productivity

Forgoing digital media clears your head – so you can devote yourself to other tasks and work on them in a focused manner. Productivity increases noticeably. In addition, the head has room to develop new ideas and let creativity run free again. Sounds tempting, right?

This is how your digital detox is guaranteed to succeed: 5 tips for switching off

Start on vacation

Especially as an assistant, it can happen that you have to be available to your boss at all times. During the digital detox, you’d better take a vacation so you don’t get maddened by missed calls or emails.

Turn off push notifications

Who doesn’t know it? It flashes and rings and we immediately look at our smartphone because we are waiting for an important message. Then the disappointment: Just a push notification from the Facebook app that draws our attention to a friend suggestion. The simplest solution: Turn off your push notifications in your phone’s settings – all of them! Yes, also WhatsApp!

Use Offline Apps

It sounds paradoxical, but there are actually some apps that can help you with the digital detox. The Forest app , for example, plants trees – even not only virtually – when you are offline. The longer you go without a smartphone, the bigger your tree will be – so don’t just do something good for yourself, but also for the environment!

Master the Digital Detox together

Find allies! It is much easier to do without social media and the like together than alone. You can do this wonderfully with friends, but there are now also people in Germany who have made digital switching off their profession: together with other stressed colleagues you can do a digital detox retreat and, for example, switch off actively for a weekend – without anything Cell phone, reception and internet access.

Ban the smartphone from the bedroom

It sounds trite, but it is very effective: Make sure you leave your smartphone in the living room or kitchen before you go to bed. You should avoid taking your smartphone into the bedroom. We promise you: Your sleep is guaranteed to improve. And even if you use your smartphone as an alarm clock, there are no more excuses with a classic analogue alarm clock.

Also Read: The Importance Of Digital Skills In Job Search

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