Home BUSINESS Talent Development: A Key Trend In Human Resource Management

Talent Development: A Key Trend In Human Resource Management

After a year that has marked a turning point in business management, many questions arise regarding the future of corporate management. It is time to rewrite strategies and face the new paths that companies must take to stay competitive, during and after the impact of the Covid crisis.

Outstanding trends in talent management

How has the pandemic affected human resource management? The Barometer allows several conclusions to be drawn:

  • The birth of new forms of work and digitization have opened the doors to the search for greater flexibility .
  • The talent has shown great commitment and resilience in the most difficult times, as well as adapting to change and learning.
  • Some organizations still have a lot of work to do to tackle digitalization, and they were not prepared for the acceleration that 2020 brought.
  • In some cases, the challenges posed by the pandemic have pushed the Sustainable Development Goals into the background. According to the report, organizations that admitted not applying the SDGs in their strategies increased from 4% to 6.69%. Social responsibility should always mark the roadmap of companies, not despite the crisis, but precisely because it is most necessary at critical moments.
  • The implementation of strategies related to engagement management has grown by 23% , and efforts have focused especially on the millennial population (1981-1999), which represents 31% of the planet.
  • Professional career plans were at the forefront of the strategies to guarantee the connection and loyalty of talent . The development and training of professionals are also key to success in digital transformation, since talent must know how to adapt to new demands and needs.

The essential skills to face corporate challenges

The best developed are:

  • Results orientation: professionals share a clear vocation and ambition to always achieve optimal results and customer satisfaction.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: this is also a key skill in innovative environments. Solid and united teams make organizations stronger in the face of possible challenges.
  • Details, standards and quality: in line with orientation towards results, attention to detail and meticulousness in complying with quality standards and regulations are virtues that characterize talent.

The ones that need improvement are:

  • Emotional connection: In an era where we live immersed in video calls and instant messaging, we sometimes lose connection with the people closest to us.
  • Organization: better management of changes and time is necessary.
  • Agility in decision-making: the ability to adapt and analyze is positive, but making pragmatic and quick decisions is a pending issue that marks a differential value in the times we live in.

New trends in team training: strengthening talent to strengthen the company

Reskilling and upskilling are two professional development trends that are being talked about a lot these days, but they don’t really represent a new dimension of learning. During the round table held at the meeting, several HR managers from important companies on the national scene pointed out that it is simply a new way of qualifying something that has been done all their lives: the recycling and development of people.

The need to always be up to date is not new, but the acceleration of technology has made it necessary to internalize knowledge much faster. How to achieve it?

  • Through specific reskilling apps and digital training resources.
  • Analyzing the potential of talent to personalize training, and market trends, business needs and the options and resources available to generate a more effective strategy.
  • Promote the initiative of self-learning and continuous learning
  • Mentoring practices, teaching of values ​​and business by senior professionals towards juniors; and the most recent reverse mentoring, in which the juniors bring the new digital tools closer to the seniors.
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